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[PHPPHP+Mysql 人才网站系统源代码

Description: 运行平台:Linux 或 Win32 语言:PHP 数据库:Mysql 采用编译模板PHP+Smarty,MVC模式开发,代码与界面分离. 演示网址: www.my4422.com 除具备人才网的基本求职招聘功能外,特色功能包括:单帐号多简历管理,在线招聘系统,兼职系统; 广告系统包括:企业排名,职位排名,简历排名广告系统等,完善的后台管理功能。 数据库取用预定义表前缀,可以简单地跟论坛,CMS等网站系统完美结合。 优化的查询系统,可以应付百万级以上的数据查询 安装方法: 解压压缩包到网站空间 修改 /includes/config.php 里的 Mysql 服务器连接参数:服务器地址,帐号,密码,端口等。 如果是Windows系统,还需要修改SMTP的服务器参数 设置 /template_c 及 /attachments 为 766 可写权限 修改 /configs/dssz.conf 文件,可以修改网站名称,联系统信息等 直接修改 /templates 模板目录下文件,可以修改网站的外观等 管理员缺省帐号:179job 密码:admin888 如需技术支持服务,请联系:QQ 6133080
Platform: | Size: 3227373 | Author: dssz.net | Hits:

[WEB Codelinux+php+mysql

Description: linux+php+mysql,里面有好的例子,一本比较好的书
Platform: | Size: 14275527 | Author: zhangbijun | Hits:


Description: PHP解释器 -PHP interpretor
Platform: | Size: 1270784 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[WEB Code基于PHP的聊天室

Description: 基于PHP的聊天室-chat rooms
Platform: | Size: 599040 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 基于WEB的linux系统账号管理系统 为GF做的课程设计,很简单,阐述了原理,主要用到 PHP、MYSQL、GCC3.0。-Web-based account management system Linux system to do GF curriculum design, and is very simple to explain the principles, the main use PHP, MYSQL, GCC3.0.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 杨红 | Hits:


Description: 需要mysql,php支持,修改config.inc.php文件-need mysql, php support, modify documents config.inc.php
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: werw | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLinux0.01源代码

Description: E统天下--织网梦 ...背景不同。Java是基于C++、面向计算机程序 设计...代替。 (2)JavaScript 源代码无须编译 嵌入HTML...则与之不同。Java的源代码必须进行编译,成为 存在...中的一部分,以一般的文本编辑器就可以连同HTML一... www.51foru.com/index008jsjc.htm 19K 2003-12-10 - 百度快照 C Java PHP Perl Python的程序代码美化工具使用 ...php) 一个速度很快的C/C++/Java源代码美化工具。 astyle比indent好在 有很多成套的的风格定义:ansi ...SLICKEDIT这种大型商业文本编辑器等。 解决:对于...==>网页选项==>HTML源代码选单里选择“使用下面... www.chedong.com/tech/indent_tools.html 14K 2005-3-3 - 百度快照 Jedit for Linux Source Code 源代码--eNet软件-world-- Netting dream ... different backgrounds. Java is based on the C-oriented computer programs designed to replace .... (2) do not have JavaScript compiler source code embedded in HTML ... is different. Java source code to be compiled, as exists ... a part of, in general text editor with HTML can be a ... www.51foru.com/index008jsjc.htm 19K 2003-12-10- Baidu snapshot C Java PHP Perl Python the code landscaping tools ... php), a fast C/C/Java source code for landscaping tools. Astyle than indent Fortunately, there are many sets of the style definition : ansi ... SLICKEDIT such a large-scale commercial, such as text editors. Solution : ...== gt; Website options == gt; HTML source code menu you select "Use the following ... www.chedong.com/tech/indent_tools.html 14K 2005-3-
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: 王健 | Hits:


Description: 典型的论坛原码,是一个使用PHP+mySQL做为数据源的二手市场程序,系统需求: 1 Linux + Apache 或者 Windows IIS/PWS 2 MySQL 3.23+:For Windows and Linux 3 Telnet 或者一个 MySQL 的 WEB 界面管理程序,phpMyAdmin 或者其它类似的。-typical forum original code, is a PHP mySQL as a source of data for the secondary market procedures, system requirements : a Linux or Windows IIS Apache/MySQL 3.23 PWS 2 : For Windows and Linux 3 MySQL Telnet or a Web interface management procedures, or phpMyAdmin similar to the other person.
Platform: | Size: 460800 | Author: 马涛 | Hits:


Description: 很好的论坛php+mysql+linux-Good forum php&mysql&linux
Platform: | Size: 674816 | Author: 曲朋 | Hits:


Description: PHP购物程序 经典的网络购物车php实现-procedures classic PHP shopping network Cart achieve php
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: wzy | Hits:


Description: Linux+PHP+MySQL案例教程 讲解全面,是初学linux下网络编程的重要学习资料。(pdg格式用boox viewer或超星都可以打开。)-Linux PHP MySQL case on a comprehensive handbook, is that when network programming under linux important learning materials. (PDG format used boox Superstar or viewer can open.)
Platform: | Size: 14257152 | Author: 熊哥 | Hits:

[Web Servershowmov

Description: 系统版本:showmov3.0(php+mysql) 运行平台:win/linux/unlix等 开发语言:php+mysql 授权形式:免费 文件大小:3.5M左右 开发商:http://www.jdzcn.net 演示站:http://www.showmov.com 本程序为免费版。只允许个人用户用于测试与制作共享影片平台。任何个人或组织不得用于商业用途。 如果您做为商业用途。请支持程序发展购买商业版。 更新功能。-System Version : showmov3.0 (php mysql) platforms : win/linux/unlix other development languages : php mysql authorization forms : Free File Size : Radar developers around : http://www.jdzcn.net demo station : http :// www.showmov.com procedures for the free version. Allow only individual users for testing and production-sharing platform for the film. Any individual or organization may not be used for commercial purposes. If you are for commercial purposes. Please support the development of procedures for the purchase of a commercial version. Update function.
Platform: | Size: 3903488 | Author: 正南方 | Hits:


Description: asterisk web manager,make in php,run in Linux-asterisk web manager, make in php. run in Linux
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: kof | Hits:


Description: php-4.4.7学习linux时下载的源代码,希望能和大家分享-php- 4.4.7 linux learning when downloading the source code, and we hope to share
Platform: | Size: 5626880 | Author: yanglijing | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPHP-MySQL_stady1

Description: 本文介绍堪称Web数据库黄金组合的PHP/MySQL如何构筑一个网络数据库应用的方法,PHP是一个类似微软ASP的服务器端的嵌入式超文本处理语言,是建立动态网站的强大工具。而MySQL是一个轻型SQL数据库服务器,可运行在多种平台上,包括Windows NT和Linux,它还有一个GPL版本,MySQL被认为是建立数据库驱动的动态网站的最佳产品。PHP、MySQL和Apache是Linux平台网站的最佳拍档。该教程是一个3日课程,从安装到应用都有详细描述。对于PHP和MySQL的详细资料,可参见他们的官方网站。PHP(www.php.net)、MySQL (www.tcx.se)
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: jaems | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPHP-MySQL_stady3

Description: 本文介绍堪称Web数据库黄金组合的PHP/MySQL如何构筑一个网络数据库应用的方法,PHP是一个类似微软ASP的服务器端的嵌入式超文本处理语言,是建立动态网站的强大工具。而MySQL是一个轻型SQL数据库服务器,可运行在多种平台上,包括Windows NT和Linux,它还有一个GPL版本,MySQL被认为是建立数据库驱动的动态网站的最佳产品。PHP、MySQL和Apache是Linux平台网站的最佳拍档。该教程是一个3日课程,从安装到应用都有详细描述。对于PHP和MySQL的详细资料,可参见他们的官方网站。PHP(www.php.net)、MySQL (www.tcx.se)-This article describes Web database can be called gold portfolio PHP/MySQL How to Build a network database application approach, PHP is similar to Microsoft ASP server-side embedded hypertext deal with language, is to build dynamic Web site a powerful tool. And MySQL is a lightweight SQL database server, can run on multiple platforms, including Windows NT and Linux, it has a GPL version, MySQL is considered the establishment of a dynamic database-driven Web site the best products. PHP, MySQL and Apache is the Linux platform, the best partner website. The tutorial is a 3 day courses, from installation to application are described in detail. PHP and MySQL For detailed information, see their official website. PHP (www.php.net), MySQL (www.tcx.se)
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: jaems | Hits:


Description: php扩展编程,写给初学者,开发环境是linux+PHP+ apache-php extension of programming, written for beginners, development environment is linux PHP apache
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 用来优化php载入速度,由php研发团队开发维护-Php used to optimize the loading speed, by the R
Platform: | Size: 10208256 | Author: 张蒙 | Hits:


Description: linux操作系统中 php 核心编程所有例程 都是一些很不错的案例-php+mysql
Platform: | Size: 365568 | Author: 梅子 | Hits:


Description: linux下php环境搭建,完整版 -php under linux environment to build the next version of linux php environment to build a complete, full version
Platform: | Size: 21398528 | Author: luhang | Hits:
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